Built by Science – Anatomy, Biomechanics, & 6 Week Training Program – Chest – Bodybuilding.com

Check out the full plan here: http://bbcom.me/1e3Yuql
Fill out your shirt with a bigger, stronger, more powerful chest. Here’s how science can help you grow!

A lot of guys go to the gym to build a big, thick chest. It’s not uncommon to see a novice hit the gym and knock out 20, 30, or 40 sets of bench press in one workout. Doing that many sets of bench in one workout can spell bad news for your shoulders, but it also neglects the many other effective chest exercises available.

I’m going to teach you how to train your chest more effectively, how to target specific chest muscles, and how to get the most from your hard work in the gym. It’s time to harness the power of science and apply it to your best body.

A good understanding of how the bones, joints, and muscles work together will help you build a program to develop unbelievable pecs. Mixing up your movements, adding incline and decline presses to your regular flat bench program, and swapping barbells for dumbbells influence how your muscles work. The better you understand this, the better your physique is going to look.

Look for the exercises and techniques discussed above in the weekly chest workouts of the six-week Built by Science program. Watch all the overview videos before attacking the gym. Remember, you need to combine mind and muscle to build your best possible body.

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