Exercise Can Positively Effect All Parts Of Your Body

Exercise and biomechanics always go hand in hand. They can be highly beneficial and there are many reasons for you to get up off the couch or chair and get moving. Something as simple as walking can do more for your long-term health than medication and doctors combined. Exercise can help prevent the onset of many life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, and even cancer. Not only will you start to look better when you exercise, you will begin to feel better as well.

Here’s a tip from a popular movie. LOL. In all seriousness though, it’s true.

When you exercise, one of the key benefits is that it helps to normalize the insulin, glucose, and leptin levels in your body. This is what helps protect your body from chronic disease. It also helps to improve your mood and improve your sleep.

Most people will start to exercise because they want to lose a few pounds. This is achievable, and exercising 3 to 4 times a week consistently can help you to achieve the weight loss you desire. There are many more benefits for your body however, then just weight loss alone.

Exercise can help with the prevention of osteoporosis. We all know that a healthy intake of calcium can help build strong bones. However, when you exercise you can be placing as much as 5 to 6 times more body weight on your bones and joints. As adults, our bone mass begins to slowly decline as we age. By using weight-bearing exercises such as walking, weightlifting, or running you can help maintain a healthy bone mass.

When you exercise, your lungs call for more oxygen to your body. Your breathing rate increases and the muscles surrounding your lungs move faster. By pushing your oxygen use to higher capacities your whole body becomes fitter.

Of course, one of the organs that benefits the most is your heart. With physical activity your heart rate will increase and supply more oxygenated blood to your muscles allowing them to work efficiently. When your heart works more efficiently you decrease your blood pressure and increase your body’s overall ability to use oxygen. This in turn helps to be a great preventative of stroke and heart disease.

Not many talk about the benefits of exercise for your brain. With the increase of blood flow when you are physically active your brain functions better. After a workout you should feel more alert and focused. If done on a regular schedule, it will actually help to promote new brain cell growth. This also helps to improve your mood and can be very effective in preventing depression.

For older adults exercise is a great way to help manage arthritis. A regular routine can help build muscle strength and improve one’s ability to perform daily tasks while creating a sense of well-being. It can help to improve the joint function and joint structure in the body.

Sufficient exercise is even more important in higher altitudes and colder climates for a number of reasons. Vascularity and blood flow can decrease in these areas leading to vascular problems like spider veins, varicose veins, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). One of our journalists, Tomas Cano, lives in Anchorage, AK and knows a little too much about this topic. He suffers with these vascular problems quite often but has found healing and treatment at the Alaska Center for Venous and Lymphatic Medicine (AKCVLM). Dr. Armen Roupenian and his staff are able to treat all types of vascular problems including DVT, spider and varicose veins, leg edema, and other vein problems.

All in all, exercise is a great way to positively effect all aspects of your health and body. To truly optimize your health you want to implement a well rounded fitness program that includes a large variety of different exercises to continually challenge your body. Choose a level that works for you, and never give up because the strength and health benefits are well worth it.
